After the unprecedented success of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, one would think that star Daniel Radcliffe would take a bit of a breather, but the adorable young Brit is still running amuck like an Energizer bunny. After a decade of being in the spotlight, he’s surprisingly well-adjusted and has a rather healthy outlook on fame, and Radcliffe recently sat down with Access Hollywood to unwittingly demonstrate this fact. In addition, he also talks about Robert Pattinson, who appeared alongside Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (my daughter still cries when Cedric bites it). In particular, Radcliffe feels that Sparkles has a much more difficult type of fame with which to cope:
On The Final Harry Potter Movie’s Success: Radcliffe says that he’s glad it ended the way it did: On top. “We did the source material and we’re not going to create anything else just for the films and we did it very, very well. And particularly, this last film. I’m so proud of the way we’ve gone out, because I think it’s so much better than any of other films we’ve made. For me, it ended on a better note than I could have ever have expected or hoped for. I was very, very happy.”
On His Adorably Manic Japanese Fans: Radcliffe says the most extreme fans of the franchise had to be the Japanese ones. He says they would show up by the hundreds when his plane landed in their country, as well as follow him down the street in groups. He also tells a story of how he accidentally bumped into a school girl during a promotional event and she fainted as he was apologizing. “I’ve already been [to Japan] twice and it’s an amazing country. And they are the most unbelievable fans of Potter, because when they embrace something, they embrace it as a nation, like they love it.”
On The Ephemeral Nature Of Fame: “I’m not going to have this fame forever. I have it now and it’s going to go. There’s going to be some other new franchise and some other young new guy. So, you’ve got to enjoy this stuff while it happens.”
On The Sparkler: “He’s a very, very nice guy.” And as far as fame goes, Radcliffe says that he believes his former colleague has had it harder with the Twilight franchise. “I think he’s had to do with kind of a lot more,” Radcliffe explains. “I had a very gradual easing in to the idea of fame, because I was doing the first two films back to back almost. So, while the whole Potter film franchise was exploding, I was in studios filming and kind of unaware that this thing was going massive outside. Where as Rob, [he] was suddenly the most famous guy in the world. I think that’s a lot harder to deal with.”
[From Access Hollywood via the Hollywood Reporter]
It’s impossible not to adore Radcliffe, isn’t it? Obviously, he couldn’t have anticipated being asked about Sparkles, but he handles the surprise well. Both boys men are soon appearing in period pieces (the better to separate oneself from an enduring franchise). We’ve already discussed the trailers for both Radcliffe’s scary turn in The Woman in Black and Pattinson’s fist-chomping fury in the upcoming Bel Ami. The collective response appears to be that Radcliffe will likely win this round in the acting department, but Sparkles isn’t terrible — he just isn’t a good actor. However, both blokes come across quite well during interviews and also share a self-depreciating humor. Here, Radcliffe’s words are both diplomatic and sincere, and Sparkles would probably share in the conversational wealth if only he were given the opportunity. Unfortunately however, most interview questions posed to Sparkles revolve around his hair.
Ultimately, my opinion is that Radcliffe will perservere much longer than Sparkles as far as their post-franchise acting careers are concerned. Part of this has to do with talent, but another aspect has to do with being taken seriously. Obviously, Harry Potter is much more of a well-respected entity from both the literary and cinematic standpoints.
Meanwhile, Sparkles nailed himself into several years of playing a weepy, vegetarian, high-school vampire. It’s okay though — he’s made more than enough money to survive without ever having to lift a finger again.
For the curious among you, here’s a video clip from Radcliffe’s above-excerpted interview, courtesy of Access Hollywood. I love how he admits that New Yorkers are not impressed by him.
Photos courtesy of Fame and AllMoviePhoto