Danielle Staub has been desperately trying to spin her exit from Real Housewives of New Jersey, claiming that she quit and that other networks want to offer her a spin off show on her own. Sources tell Popeater that Danielle was fired after both Caroline and Jacqueline banded together and told Bravo that if Danielle wasn’t fired they would leave. It’s still unknown who exactly will be on the show next season except that Danielle is off for sure. We’ve also been hearing rumors that Teresa will leave due to a conflict with producers over offering her nemesis sister-in-law a spot, failing to let her promote her cookbook on the air, or both.
Teresa recently told In Touch that she forgives Danielle for sending her into a screaming rage multiple times, as if it shouldn’t be the other way around. Teresa might not be so forgiving when she hears this latest news. Danielle told the super classy “Steppin Out” Magazine that she thinks Teresa is an ape. She also went on at length about Teresa’s looks and how she thinks Teresa’s husband, Joe, is cheating on her. What happened to all that crap Danielle always spews about staying positive? Radar Online has this report, and it’s pretty amusing.
RadarOnline.com has exclusive excerpts from her first post-show interview, with Steppin’ Out Magazine, including why she thinks Teresa looks like a character from Planet of the Apes!
“She needs a hairline revision,” Staub told editor Chaunce Hayden. “Planet of the Apes has nothing on her!”
Staub added, “She reminds me of Cornelius from Planet of the Apes. Could you imagine if her face is that hairy what her body hair must be like? It’s got to be out of control.”
Here’s a taste of Staub’s comments.
“I would not doubt that for a second. I hear that all the time. I was hearing those rumors before we even taped the show. Joe loves his strippers. Maybe that’s another reason Teresa hates me. She forgets I used to be a stripper. I’m not a stripper anymore. Don’t hate us all.
“If she was making Joe happy maybe he wouldn’t have to go some place else. I don’t know what goes on in their bedroom, but from what I’ve seen, Teresa is not exactly a turn on. Her forehead is disturbing. But it’s not even about her looks.
“Her personality and lack of compassion is what makes her ugly. It’s the way she speaks to her husband and overindulges her children is what makes her ugly. She’s teaching her children to be just like she is. Look at her kids. They’re gorgeous little girls, but their attitudes only show disrespect. I don’t care of that. I feel bad for them. They’re learning what they live.
“The mother is teaching them they are too good for everything except being treated like princesses. But it’s not reality. Teresa, you’re 11 million dollars in debt. How much of a princess can your kids be? Make them work. Give them structure. Her children want to be told what’s wrong and what’s right. They need boundaries and structure. That’s what I do for my kids. I give them structure and boundaries.”
“I said this from the beginning: In time everyone will be exposed. I don’t have to say anything. They’re exposing themselves. Dina is a liar. She lies and all the others swear to it. It’s almost as believable as Teresa’s husband Joe getting drunk after he had his car accident because he needed to calm his nerves. I’m very passionate about not letting him get away with that. I don’t think drunk driving is anything to be made light of. Bravo glorified it and that makes me sick.
“When Andy Cohn brought that up at the reunion and after Teresa told that crazy story he said, “Oh I can believe that.” Um… really? He smashed his car and Teresa claims ten of them shared just one bottle of wine. Meanwhile have you ever seen them without a glass of wine in their hands? But this one time they split one bottle of wine and Joe got drunk after he smashed into a telephone pole. Really?”
[From Radar Online]
Danielle goes on but you get the point. I can’t wait to see Danielle’s Steppin’ Out Cover. Teresa has to be doubly pissed – she was Steppin’ Out’s freaky cover girl in April. She could definitely use a hairline revision, but Teresa needs some more hair to cover up her scary joker mug. Maybe it’s true that Teresa will be off the show soon and we won’t have to be subjected to her two-head much longer anyway.
Header photo from 12/1/09. Photos below from 5/13/10 and 7/6/10. Credit: WENN.com