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Fans react to the Basketball Wives cast member's re-engagement party during the season finale

Basketball Wives season 10 recently aired its season finale. The episode saw the cast members in Mexico to support Duffey as she got ready to surprise Iman with a re-engagement party.

The reality star and Iman Shokuohizadeh started dating in 2016 and got engaged the same year after dating for just a few months. Duffey has two children, one of whom she shares with Iman, as they welcomed baby Shadi in November 2020.

Season 10 saw Duffey plan a trip to Mexico with the entire cast so that she could surprise her fiance with a re-engagement party. And while the event was overshadowed by the cast members fighting, fans took to social media to appreciate Duffey pulling off the surprise. They stated that they were so proud of the season 10 cast member and happy for her.

Fans react to Duffey’s surprise re-engagement party during the season finale of Basketball Wives season 10

In the season finale of Basketball Wives season 10, Duffey pulled off the ultimate surprise. She threw Iman a surprise re-engagement party to let him know that she was ready to marry him even though they were previously engaged. Before the party, she said in a confessional that it had been really hard to keep it from her fiance and added how nervous she was.

She added:

"He better say yes to me because if he says no, I’m going to fly away with this big a** bow."

When it was finally time, she led him to the party and explained in a confessional that Iman isn’t someone who likes to be the center of attention. Duffey added that she felt that it was time for him to shine at the party.

She told the NBA player turned agent that she wanted to do something special for him, and that informed everyone that she wrote something special for him. The Basketball Wives season 10 cast member told her fiance that she was looking for love in all the wrong places and that he “saved” her.

She added:

"My heart was broken into a million little pieces but you saved me."

Fans took to social media to wish the couple luck and happiness in the future and added that despite all the drama that ensued, Duffey did a good job. They added that the event was beautiful, that they were happy for the couple, and that “Iman seems genuine.” Fans added that the reproposal was sweet, cute, and “beautiful.”

They further added that they loved to see how the couple had grown and that the next season should open with their wedding. One person added that she should just marry her “man,” while another stated that the Basketball Wives star should have just sang R. Kelly’s You Saved Me.

Fans further took to the social media platform to comment about Duffey’s attire for the night and weren’t completely sold by it. They added that while the dress wasn’t horrible, they were expecting something “way better” and that Duffey looked like an extra for Dancing with the Stars. They added that the shoulder pads were not needed and called the dress “a choice.”

Basketball Wives season 10 will return next week with the reunion special on VH1.

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