published on in corga

From Fabolous to Fatherhood - CelebMix

Fabolous has recently had a son and in his own words he is ‘feeling blessed.’ Fabolous has managed to add to his fame and popularity by being the funny guy on twitter. He explained that he would rather do that than ‘beef’ all the time which a lot of celebrities use twitter to do.

Out of all the current rappers of today he said he would most like to work with Eminem as he seems to rap with such passion and feeling.

When asked why is he successful he said that you have to ‘make the most of every opportunity even if it leads to nothing. You can say at least I tried. You’ve got to shoot to miss you got to take chances.’

He announced that his new album will be released at the end of the year.

He reportedly stole the show at Summer Jamz 2015 as he said ‘it was there for the taking.’
