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How to write to a prison inmate

How do I send a text message to an inmate?

Add inmates as Contacts in your Messaging account using their booking number or name. Using a credit or debit card, purchase credits to send messages, and, depending on the facility, purchase additional credits to receive responses from your inmate. Compose a message, attach credits for a reply…and send!

How do you write a prisoner?

Inmates using only have access to postal mail. Inmates pay $50 per year to post their profile and photo, which are viewed by the public at no cost. The site encourages writing directly to inmates or sending a first message through its free e-mail forwarding service.

How do you write someone in prison online?

Just follow these easy steps to get started.
  • Step 1: Create a Free ConnectNetwork Account. Visit our website by going to and then, click “Create Account” in the header.
  • Step 2: Add a Contact.
  • Step 3: Buy Messaging Credits.
  • Step 4: Write to an Inmate by Sending a Message.
  • Can you call a prison to speak to a prisoner?

    The real answer is you can never call your inmate, they can only make outgoing calls to you. A common mistake people make is calling the facility and asking the staff to relay a message to their inmate. If the person just got arrested they will be allowed to call after the booking process happens.

    Is writing to a prisoner safe?

    Originally Answered: Is it safe to write letters to prisoners? Generally, yes. Just be careful not to give too much personal information about yourself and write inmates with the understanding not all of them just want a pen pal. Understand that a lot of inmates will just try and use you for things.

    Can you send hate mail to prisoners?

    Nope, as far as I know. Just be careful that person can‘t file charges against you for threats. Eventhough they deserve the backlash they will still use their rights for their own attention. Of course, depending on the legal entity overseeing such an endeavor.

    Do prisoners like getting letters?

    Yes inmates love to get letters in the mail. It makes their day to know they haven’t been forgotten.

    Can Amazon ship to prisons? makes deliveries to prisons. However, we recommend that you contact the prison first to confirm that they accept deliveries and to ask about any special policies they have.

    Can Prisoners send letters to other prisoners?

    Federal prisoners are permitted to receive mail during their incarceration. Prisoners are generally prohibited from communicating with prisoners in other facilities unless they are either co-defendants or immediate family members.

    Can you send pictures to prisoners?

    You are allowed to send personal pictures to an inmate who is incarcerated in a federal prison, but they can‘t include any sexually explicit material or nudity. There doesn’t seem to be a limit on the amount of pictures you can send at one time to an inmate in federal prison. Just remember to keep them tasteful.

    What app can i use to send pictures to inmates?

    Pelipost makes it easier than ever to stay connected. Share your special moments by sending beautiful, full-color 4×6 photos from your smartphone. Pelipost ships directly to your loved one in any city, state, or federal correctional facility in the USA. We’ve shipped over 10 MILLION photos and counting!

    What kind of photos can you send to an inmate?

    Photos should never contain nudity, sexually suggestive material. Hand gestures and tattoos are often not allowed because it may have gang implications. Only 5 photos can be sent in an envelope with a single stamp at a time, and often times a facility will only allow 3-5 photos.

    Why is there no privacy in jail?

    Inmates generally lose their right to privacy in prison. They are not protected from warrantless searches of their person or cell. While inmates do retain their Due Process rights and are free from the intentional deprivation of their property by prison officials, this does not include any form of contraband.

    What are showers like in jail?

    Usually, showers are of the single-head variety, where the prisoner can close a shower curtain or close a swinging door for privacy. In some cases, shower rooms are present, which consists of a room with four or so shower heads for multiple prisoners to use at one time.

    How often are prisoners allowed to shower?

    Probably varies by state/prison but if you are regular pop you can shower every day. Inmates in segregation get to shower on a set schedule, usually three times a week.

    Do you get toilet paper in jail?

    “All inmates … have continuous access to toilet paper, at no cost to them,” Wilder said. Wilder said all inmates are provided two toilet paper rolls each week, and can get more by exchanging the empty rolls after they are used.

    Can you sleep all day in jail?

    Inmates do the same thing with their prison-issued coats. Nothing goes to waste in prison. You are also issued a pillow, two sheets, and a pillowcase, and when you leave the room, your bed must be made. If you want to sleep during the day, it is extremely difficult because so much is going on.

    Can females shave in jail?

    Yes. As a general rule, women’s prisons do have some kind of access to razors so the inmates can shave their legs. Some prisons don’t sell razors, and instead the prison will issue them for a limited amount of time.
