published on in corga

S15.E03: Kacy - Intervention - PRIMETIMER

farmgal, thanks for sharing. I'm very happy that you've gotten sober. An addiction to alcohol is hell to try to kick. No matter how much you hate the very substance you're gulping down, and hate yourself for doing it, it's the physiological grip that's so difficult to break. There really aren't any medications that can be used to help with the withdrawal (if you try to sober up without treatment) or cravings. (Like you can have prescribed for you while detoxing from some other substances.)

I had been drinking for all of my adult life and had built up a tolerance to drinking two bottles of wine every single day. I was also taking Prozac and Xanax. I got very ill and what finally prompted me to quit was that I have severe arthritis and was in dire need of a hip replacement. I'm going to celebrate two years of being sober on Easter. I don't miss drinking one bit. If I can do it, there is hope for others! My health is much better and oh yes, I have a hip that's nearly 18 months old.

Anyway, back to Lacy. Yes, sadly, I don't see her being around for much longer. Her liver is too shot and she's certainly not a candidate for a transplant. For starters, I don't think she'd survive an intense surgery like that. Secondly, I don't think she'd be eligible and she probably doesn't have any type of health insurance to cover it. Maybe the most humane thing to do is just bring her home and let her drink herself to the bitter end. Make sure she's home and safe and not wandering the streets seeking liquor. I know that sounds harsh and crazy, but I really don't know what more can be done for her at this point.
