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Star: Emma Roberts is addicted to juicing & taking it to an extreme

Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts is enjoying a relaxing Hawaiian vacation and wants everyone to know about it. She’s been Instagramming bikini pics and soaking up some sun while enjoying juice drinks in the pool. Those are some seriously tiny swimsuits. Emma is vacationing with fiancé Evan Peters during their American Horror Story hiatus. I guess this is an upswing period of their “passionate, extreme relationship.”

Everything is literally peachy for Emma right now. A new story in Star claims that Emma is addicted to juicing and that she does not eat solid meals. Only liquid ones. The details arrive from an eyewitness who saw Emma grocery shopping and filling a cart with nothing but juice:

The juice is loose for pin-thin starlet Emma Roberts. An eyewitness saw the actress at Whole Foods in Beverly Hills on May 16 filling her cart up with liquid meals!

“Emma had at least 50 bottles of a popular cleanse in her cart,” the onlooker reveals. “She cleared out the entire section … and she looked insanely skinny.”

While juicing can be healthy, Emma is taking it to the extreme. “Juice needs to be fresh because it loses its nutrients quickly,” the informed shopper explains. “So unless she drank 50 bottles a day, she didn’t get any benefits. It’s pretty clear she was just trying to cut back on calories – which is crazy, because she’s already so small.”

[From Star]

Maybe Emma really is addicted to juicing, or maybe she was simply preparing for her Hawaiian bikini photos. I’m not saying crash diets are healthy (at all), but I can understand wanting to look good before putting swimsuit pictures on Instagram. Was it really a cleanse though, or was Emma simply buying a bunch of “Naked” juice bottles? Maybe they weren’t all for her. You never know.

What I’m more concerned about is that Emma’s having a such a “romantic” time with Evan Peters. I still don’t understand that couple and why they stayed together after Emma allegedly punched and bit him last year. Nobody was outraged when Evan stayed with Emma, but if the genders were reversed, the story would have been different. Their dynamic in photos is always so weird.

Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & Emma Roberts on Instagram
