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Where is Berry Bryant's killer Levi Collen now?

In 1996, Levi Collen, then 19, kidnapped an 18-year-old Northwest College freshman, Berry Bryant. He later returned to his dorm and admitted to the murdering her.

It was later revealed that Collen had s*xually assaulted Bryant, slit her throat, and left her to die about 16 miles away from her college. About a month later, he was found guilty of first-degree murder. He is currently serving three consecutive lifetime sentences at the Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution in Torrington, Goshen County.

ID's Evil Lives Here: Shadows of Death revisits Berry Bryant's gruesome murder case and the events that transpired in the days before Levi Collen's ultimate conviction. The episode, titled The Dark Road, aired on Sunday, September 11, 2022.

How did Levi Collen execute Berry Bryant's murder?

Berry Bryant and Levi Collen were both attending a dorm party on the night of October 5, 1996, and were even spotted leaving the party together that night. But when Bryant failed to return to her dorm room, her roommate's concerns led authorities to Collen, who by then had already confessed to murdering Berry.

Reports state that a bloodied and badly hurt Levi returned to the dormitory that night. He initially told his friends that he got into a fight with another man, which seemed to explain the situation at that point. Levi did, however, finally disclose that he had killed Berry after r*ping her. Upon hearing this, his friends restrained him and called the police.

When authorities arrived, Levi initially tried to claim that he had killed Berry out of self-defense. However, officers did not buy his story and instead asked him to direct them to the victim's body. Levi complied and took authorities to the exact spot where Bryant's body was. It was then that he confessed to the murder.

Later, it was deduced that Levi Collen was smitten with Berry and had made a move on her despite her rejecting him. On the night of the murder, when Bryant attempted to resist Levi's s*xual advances, he first r*ped her, then took out a knife and slit her throat. He even hid the body.

In addition, authorities received information from another woman who was assaulted by Levi sometime during the summer of 1995.

She alleged that she was drinking with a friend when they stumbled upon Levi and subsequently went for a drive together. However, when she declined Levi's advances, he threatened her with a gun, and then r*ped her. The victim informed the police that the attacker bit her in the face and arms and threatened to kill her if she told anybody about it.

Where is Levi Collen now?

Levi was found guilty of first-degree murder, s*xual assault, and abduction in November 1996. He was also accused of s*xual assault in connection with the summer 1995 incident. For his crimes, he received three consecutive life sentences.

According to records, Levi is still a prisoner at the Wyoming Medium Correctional Institution in Torrington, Goshen County.

Catch the story of Berry Bryant on Evil Lives Here: Shadows of Death.

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