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WWE news: Doc Gallows recalls how CM Punk had to help Triple H with his promo on live TV

It’s no secret that the vast majority of WWE talent have to adhere to pretty strict scripts on TV.

In the Attitude Era, it wasn’t really like that. They had bullet points and things they had to get across, sure. But guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock had some freedom to become the top stars they did.

Now that the show is regulated on network TV with sponsors catering to a younger audience, that’s one of the many reasons why WWE are much more stringent with their scripting.

Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson are former WWE RAW Tag Team champions who are now thriving in IMPACT and, on occasion, AEW.

Gallows, in particular, has had several spells with WWE.

The 37-year-old began working on the main roster as early as 2006 and rose to fame alongside CM Punk years later in the Straight Edge Society.

Talking on The Good Brothers’ podcast Talk-N-Shop, Gallows recalled how scripts were so long that even someone like Triple H could get flustered (via Fightful).

“We’re in the ring one time. I’m 25, so I still have the nerves. I’m with [CM] Punk and Serena [Deeb] and Triple H.

“I remember being there and you think that these guys don’t fuck anything up, ever. We’re standing in the ring, Punk and Hunter are promoing back and forth, they do something, Punk gets a pop, Hunter gets a pop, and then Hunter drops the mic to his pecs and goes, ‘What’s my line?’ and Punk [feeds it to him].

“Even those guys, it’s hard to remember all those f****** lines.”

Karl Anderson also expanded on how difficult some of the segments in WWE can be to pull off when you’re depending on a lot of people remembering a lot of lines.

“When we were trying to go over this thing, we didn’t think it was very funny anyway. We’re going over it and I’m like, ‘F***, I don’t know. These guys have a lot of lines’ and the segment depended on the extras and their lines.”

With all the writers that Vince McMahon has employed, it seems to be an edict directly from the boss, but Triple H has said in the past that he tries to go for a more collaborative approach in NXT.
