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Yeshua Bonadio Age, Birthday, Education, Father: Who is Sinad OConnor Son?

Yeshua Bonadio is the surviving son of Irish singer, Sinead O’Connor.

Table of Contents

Yeshua Bonadio age

How old is Yeshua Bonadio? What is Yeshua Bonadio’s age? What age is Yeshua Bonadio? Yeshua Bonadio is 16 years old.

Yeshua Bonadio birthday

When does Yeshua Bonadio celebrate his birthday? What is Yeshua Bonadio’s birthday? Yeshua Bonadio celebrates his birthday every December 9.

Yeshua Bonadio date of birth

When was Yeshua Bonadio born? What is Yeshua Bonadio’s date of birth? Yeshua Bonadio was born on December 19, 2006.

Yeshua Bonadio education

Which school does Yeshua Bonadio attend? What is Yeshua Bonadio’s educational background? Where does Yeshua Bonadio attend school? Yeshua Bonadio’s educational background is not known yet.

Yeshua Bonadio father

Who is Yeshua Bonadio’s father? Who was Yeshua Bonadio born to? Yeshua Bonadio was born to Frank Bonadio.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Sinéad. Her family and friends are devastated and have requested privacy at this very difficult time,” the statement read.
